On my first van ride to the Colombo Plan Conference in Bangkok. I met S. P. Pradhan who is the Project Manager for Supply Reduction, Colombo Plan, Sri Lanka. We had a nice chat on our thirty minute ride and he told me about Bhutan and its customs. It's a very small country that borders the southeast of China. It was his first day at the conference so I helped him find Thom Brown from the state department. We also met for breakfast the following day and had a wonderful meal. Perhaps one day Rosie and I will get to visit Bhutan and its rugged mountains.
12-1-15 Update by e-mail : SP Pradhan is now the Colombo Plan Drug Supply Reduction Programme Coordinatior and is working very closely with Mr.Thomas J Browne, consutant, INL for the next year.
A thoughtful and spontaneous invitation to visit The Innovation Center by Jim Holder of Positive Intentions LLC to Govenor Jeb Bush was eagerly acccepted. Govenor Bush is running to be the Presedent of the United States and was in Florence on 11-17-15. Jim spoke to Jeb and one of his aides about Positive Intentions, counseling and also about addictions to substances. They also discussed the renovations that are taking place here in downtown Florence. He was impressed. Jim asked if he had time for a photo and he replies, "after what you have done for me, of course you can have a photograph." He then went on to an excited crowd of supporters waiting for him at Wholly Smokin Restaurant.
James Holder, MA, Licensed Professionsal Counselor, Master Addiction Counselor