Has Jim Holder written any articles within the last FIVE years?
What are guiding beliefs?
What is the difference between abstinence and sobriety?
Are discounts available for the purchase of larger quantities of your materials?
Is Jim available to conduct trainings in the United States and Internationally?
Are discounts available for the purchase of larger quantities of your materials?
What causes children to misbehave?
Are there books that go along with the teachings in Parenting with Positive Intentions?
How can physicians use the "FACE Screening"?
How can the "FACE Screening" be helpful to individuals and families?
Do people with a substance use disorder have more negative beliefs?
What can a person do to help them sleep?
How do you intergrate Adlerian and Gestalt Therapy and Neurolinguistic Programming?
Who were your mentors?
Is there a purpose for someone becoming addicted?
How do you work with an addicted client using Perceptual Adjustment Therapy?
How do you use encouragement in therapy?
How do you define addiction?
How do you work with families using Perceptual Adjustment Therapy (PAT)?
What is your thought about confrontation in working with addicted clients?
Is it important to see what progress has been made during
the theraputic process?
Is therapy that important to recovery?
What did Adler mean by "no chance memories"?
James Holder, MA, Licensed Professionsal Counselor, Master Addiction Counselor
CELL 843.621.0791